Monday, April 30, 2012

Part 1: Statement of Opinion (32 points)
Now that you've completed your research, you will create the first firm statement of your opinion. This is still not yet written in stone -- it could change based on what your partners say. Ultimately, your group will share one thesis.

Essentially, you are completing this sentence:
"Ebbets Chavez & Kofax ___________________ represent Lt. Amy Connolly before the U.S. Supreme Court because _________________, _____________________ and ____________________."
You may change the wording/format of this statement as long as it includes the basic information given.

We'll use this rubric to grade your theses.

Part 3: Working on the Final Product
You must persuade the government to agree with your argument. In order to do so, you will create a position paper which adheres to the following criteria:
  • Save your work to the Y:\Ramin Law and Government
  • Name the file "Your Last Names - Connolly Recommendation"
  • Include the each group member's name, as well as the complete PSM heading, at the start of your document
  • Title your paper
  • At least 5 paragraphs in length (Intro, 3 Body, Conclusion)
  • Includes a thesis statement modeled after the one above
  • Persuasively argues your position, following the requirements illustrated in Brandi Bickering's memo. You can find additional guidelines for your work here.
  • Includes a 5-source Work Cited page (graded based on this rubric), following MLA format (you should have most of your citations already!)
Your rough draft is due e-mailed to me at the end of tomorrow's class period (5/1/12). It is a project grade, and will be based on this rubric (the same one that will be used for your final product -- Due Friday, 5/4/12).

Each person will also receive an individual project grade for his/her specific body paragraph based on this rubric.

Who does what?
  • Each person should research and write one body paragraph
  • The group should work together to draft the introduction paragraph today and the conclusion paragraph tomorrow
  • The group is responsible for proper transitions, etc.
  • The group should work together to compile the Works Cited page
Tomorrow's Expectations:
  • Finalize rough draft, including conclusion paragraph
  • Analyze presentation requirements for Friday's class

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