Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekend Assignments

Note: This is a long post. Your assignments are at the end. Assignments are bold, names are in italics.

This weekend, you will move away from the work you've been doing on those directs and start preparing specific parts of the trial. Some of you will focus on facts and rules, some of you will learn to be witnesses -- like Shaquille, to the right, and others of you will work on questioning those same witnesses.

(The picture, by the way, is one that Ms. Duffy took at last year's trial. Shaq played Officer Cambridge, a police officer investigating the scene of an accident. You can see our judge in the background, along with the bailiff, Ms. Nadia.)

There are, essentially,14 documents we have to prepare over the next week or so. These will include direct examinations, cross examinations, opening statements and closing arguments. We will start by focusing on the two most important witnesses in the case -- Grey and Bahr.

Some tentative dates to keep in mind -- this is when we absolutely need the following documents. Attorneys for the prosecution and defense -- note that these are the days you will need to present the information below.
  • Monday, 1/31: SOLID (nearly complete) drafts for the directs and crosses of Grey and Bahr, including questions and answers
  • Friday, 2/4: Solid drafts for ALL directs and crosses, including questions and answers
  • Tuesday, 2/8: Finalized opening statements
  • Wednesday, 2/9: Finalized closing arguments
  • Thursday, 2/10-Monday, 2/15: In class run-throughs of full trial
  • Saturday, 2/12: Full-trial run-through at school
  • Wednesday, 2/16: Full trial practice at courthouse vs. Glenbrook South
  • Friday, March 4-Saturday, March 5: ISBA Mock Trial in Springfield, Illinois
Your assignments/responsibilities for this weekend are below. Each is worth 20 points, and each includes an extra credit incentive for early submission. I should receive an e-mail from each and every one of you this weekend.

If you have questions about the assignment, e-mail me ASAP. I will check at least once tonight and a few times Saturday.

Grey's Direct: Shaquara, Kilah, Latrice
Complete the questions and answers for Grey's direct. Don't worry about the start -- everyone's is the same. Get to the heart of the case. Bring up the strengths of the prosecution's argument and cast doubt on them. Show that Grey did the things he did in the past, but that he has recovered and is now an active member of the community. He just lost his home away from home. Don't worry about narrative. Let him tell his side of the story. Save your work, e-mail to me, and upload it to the Wiki. Do NOT delete anything. Simply add it to the bottom... unless, that is, you talk to the other people working on the direct this weekend.
Extra Credit Incentive: Complete the assignment and upload it to the Wiki by 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, receive 5 points EC on top of your assignment grade.

Grey's Cross: Rukiat, Khaylian, Pasharea
Complete the questions and answers for Grey's cross. Get to the heart of the case. Write tight, leading questions that put Grey in a hole. Make the jury view him as an outcast, a firebug who never misses a fire, an untrustworthy criminal. Save your work, e-mail to me, and upload it to the Wiki. Do NOT delete anything. Simply add it to the bottom... unless, that is, you talk to the other people working on the direct this weekend.
Extra Credit Incentive: Complete the assignment and upload it to the Wiki by 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, receive 5 points EC on top of your assignment grade.

Bahr's Direct: Delissa, Pasharea, Keianna
Complete the questions and answers for Bahr's direct. Don't worry about the start -- everyone's is the same. Get to the heart of the case. Bring up the strengths of the defense's argument and cast doubt on them. Build Bahr up as a savvy, experienced expert. Show him calm and cool under pressure, making reliable judgments about the causes of fire. Give him credentials -- as Ms. Furey said, make some up! Don't worry about narrative. Let him tell his side of the story. Save your work, e-mail to me, and upload it to the Wiki. Do NOT delete anything. Simply add it to the bottom... unless, that is, you talk to the other people working on the direct this weekend.
Extra Credit Incentive: Complete the assignment and upload it to the Wiki by 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, receive 5 points EC on top of your assignment grade.

Bahr's Cross: Shang, Maya, Shaquille
Complete the questions and answers for Bahr's cross. Get to the heart of the case. Write tight, leading questions that make Bahr look like an incompetent idiot. Show the jury that his lax enforcement of fire codes led to the accidental fire. OR, show that he was in cahoots with O'Brien, helping his poker buddy make some money off of insurance. Save your work, e-mail to me, and upload it to the Wiki. Do NOT delete anything. Simply add it to the bottom... unless, that is, you talk to the other people working on the direct this weekend.
Extra Credit Incentive: Complete the assignment and upload it to the Wiki by 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, receive 5 points EC on top of your assignment grade.

Defense Theory Auditor/Case Experts: Julian, Xavier, Tiara
The most important thing an attorney must do in a case is create a winning theory. A good attorney must theorize how the events in question happened. As Defense Auditors, you must compile this theory (or these theories) and check your classmates' questions. Basically, you must make sure that they are casting doubt on the prosecution's case. Decide what theory the defense must argue in favor of. Then, look at your classmates' questions and make sure they are following this theory. E-mail me an analysis of the theory, along with an examination of Grey's directs and Bahr's cross. Are your classmates following the defense theory? Explain, giving examples of places where they can improve.
Extra Credit Incentive: E-mail your analysis to me Sunday between the hours of noon and 5 (hopefully after your classmates have completed their edits), receive 5 points EC on top of your assignment grade.

Prosecution Theory Auditors/Case Experts: Jazmin, Latasha, Vanecia
The most important thing an attorney must do in a case is create a winning theory. A good attorney must theorize how the events in question happened. As Prosecution Auditors, you must compile this theory (or these theories) and check your classmates' questions. Basically, you must make sure that they prove the defendant's guilt. Decide what theory the prosecution must argue in favor of. Then, look at your classmates' questions and make sure they are following this theory. E-mail me an analysis of the theory, along with an examination of Bahr's directs and Grey's cross. Are your classmates following the prosecution theory? Explain, giving examples of places where they can improve.
Extra Credit Incentive: E-mail your analysis to me Sunday between the hours of noon and 5 (hopefully after your classmates have completed their edits), receive 5 points EC on top of your assignment grade.

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